A Greeting from our Patron
Peter Phillips
Director of The Tallis Scholars

It was such a joy to be with you at CRMSS Ontario 2024. I finally got to see for myself what Greg has been talking about since 2018! The energy you all brought, your enthusiasm, and your willingness to tackle extremely difficult music was so rewarding to witness. CRMSS Ontario 2024 was huge in all respects and I was thoroughly swept up in the excitement of it.
It was a special pleasure for me to meet some of the Canadian professional musicians whom Greg has chosen to be a part of his team and to see how well they worked with the UK-based tutors. This mixture of styles and perspectives, and the vast wealth of experience present, was world-class. At a CRMSS course, you can expect to engage with Renaissance music at the very top levels, and be led by people who have thought deeply about this music and understand it. As someone who shares this passion, I appreciated the dedication to polyphony that I found here, and the fact that Greg has created an event at which Renaissance music is not an afterthought or something tacked on at the last minute - it is the main event.
For me personally, I felt fortunate to share my first "CRMSS experience" with my son, Edmund, who was there as a CRMSS International Scholar. I'm glad to hear from Greg that he is again working with Robert Hollingworth and the University of York in the UK to expand this offering in 2025. There will be a cohort of international master's degree students based in the UK present as CRMSS International Scholars at both CRMSS Ontario 2025 and CRMSS Pacific 2025! This link between The Canadian Renaissance Music Summer Schools organization in Canada and Robert's fine work with his graduate students in the UK is one of the many things that makes CRMSS special.
Having established a week-long CRMSS course on the Pacific coast last summer to complement the Ontario event, Greg's vision of a truly national identity for CRMSS continues to grow with the launch of the "CRMSS Atlantic 2025" course in Charlottetown, PEI. As CRMSS continues to expand, I could not be happier to give you my continued blessing and encouragement.
My time with you at CRMSS Ontario 2024 was my first "CRMSS experience", but it won't be my last...
With the very best wishes for another successful year of all things CRMSS,
Peter Phillips
Director, The Tallis Scholars